Model Tenancy Act

The Model Tenancy Act 2021 has been approved by the union cabinet last week. This will guarantee the rights of the tenants as well as protect the owners from rogue tenants. Let us evaluate each of its provisions and relate to how the act will change the face of the residential real estate market.

Before ...

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Why Buying a house is Better than Renting?

Why Buying a house is Better than Renting?

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Tips for buying property during lockdown.

Want to buy a home during COVID-19? Here are some tips to buy the property during the lockdown.

It is everyone’s dream to own a house. With the real estate prices in a dip, it is now the right time to buy your own home. Tips to buy a house in 2020 are many, but here are a few that are the A-Zs of buying a property during the lockdown.

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Will real estate continue remain the safest investment during this pandemic?


 The Covid-19 outbreak has led to a complete lockdown of the economy. The stock market volatility is rising and people are looking at more secure options for investment. The crisis has highlighted the need for shelter and protection in tough times. The pandemic has opened a new era of the Indian real estate market  Continue reading

Difference between GHMC and HMDA

While many of us have thought of investing in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, we are left confused with the plethora of authoritative bodies that exist here. We are always left in a state of chaos while we seek permissions from the numerous authorities for our investments. The documents mention a different set of rules for each body and thus leave us in dilemma whether or not to invest with such great difficulty.

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Top 10 Real Estate Developers in Visakhapatnam

Top 10 Real Estate Developers in Visakhapatnam

Are you looking for real estate developers in Visakhapatnam? Do you think open plots in Visakhapatnam are a myth? Are you looking for land for sale in Visakhapatnam? Which are the top 10 real estate companies in Visakhapatnam offering Continue reading

Top 10 Real Estate Developers in Hyderabad

Real Estate in Hyderabad

Are you looking for real estate developers in Hyderabad? Do you think open plots in Hyderabad are a myth? Are you looking for land for sale in Hyderabad? Which are the top 10 real estate companies in Hyderabad offering open plots for sale in Hyderabad? Do you wish to make the dream of your own home come true? ...

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Top ways to protect your home from Corona Virus

Experts say, “It takes 21 days to cultivate a new habit. Once you start repeating a routine every day for 3 weeks, it becomes a habit.”  This quarantine period of 21 days in India, will help you adapt hygienic ways to keep yourself safe from the COVID-19 if you follow the WHO recommendations of safe practices.

What is Corona Virus?

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Buy Residential Plot in India

“Buy land, they are not making it anymore.”

-Mark Twain

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Residential Flats in India

Why invest in residential flats in India?

It is always a big decision when it comes to investing all your savings in a property. However, many buyers are in the dilemma of whether invest in a flat or a plot. This confusion is common in an average Indian buyer. A luxury investor with a number of properties would have gained the expertise or have advisors who are suggesting a variety ...

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